Patrick Moberg

Channel Four

October 9th, 2006

GIRL Hey god, wanan smoke this with me?
GOD No thank you.
GIRL You Sure?

GOD Smiles.

GOD Yep.
GIRL Don't you wanna take a break? Kick back a little?
GOD I can't really take a break. The people on Earth need my attention.
GIRL Oh... Well, I guess I'm gonna smoke it.

GIRL smokes.

GIRL Hey, god?
GOD Mmhmm.
GIRL How am I doing?
GOD At life?
GIRL Yeah.
GOD You're doing pretty good. You should visit your mom a little more. She misses you.

Slight Pause

GOD And maybe not drive when ever you smoke, it could be dangerous.
GIRL But it's so fun! I love the little farms and shit! ... And reading the names of all the towns!

GIRL trails off.

GIRL How's my mom?
GOD A little stressed about work.
GIRL She's so fucking strung up on making me someone I'm not.

GOD remains silent

GIRL Is it not possible for her to love her slightly overweight daughter!?

GIRL takes another hit

GIRL I know she did drugs! It was the seventies for god's sake!

GOD remains silent

GIRL Have you heard the way she talks about black people!?

GOD opens his eye for the first time. He looks a little shocked at GIRL's statement.

GOD You know she just loves you. She wants to show you that, but is unsure how.
GIRL It's like she's trying to make up for a time in her life she never had.
GOD Maybe so. Your life is her biggest project. She can't help but want it to turn out well.
GIRL Yeah... I guess.

Slight pause.

GIRL He- Hey, god? Why do you need that telescope? I mean, can't you just sort of see everything?
GOD Oh. Well, this actually does the opposite. My problem is that I see too much at one time. Like you said 'I see everything.' This helps me focus on what needs my attention.

Slight pause.

GIRL Ca- Can I see?
GOD Sure. Come on up.

GIRL climbs the chair towards GOD. When she gets to the top she peers into the telescope. She sees a single car driving on the highway late at night. The vision slowly pulls in closer to the car. The vision becomes perpindicular with the car looking in the passenger window. The window is fogged up and hard to see through. It slowly begins to roll down and she sees a girl at the wheel. The girl's head is nodding slowly.