Patrick Moberg

April 2007

Music Monday

April 30th, 2007

Here's a couple of mp3's I've found in the past few days.

Hosted by the artists:

Odin's Raven Magic (Part 3) - Sigur Ros

I Love A Computer - Y.A.C.H.T.

Breakfast In Bed (Track 8) - Dntel (man I hate myspace...)


April 29th, 2007

Dig Human Emotion?

April 23rd, 2007

Then check out Hillman Curtis' Short Film Series:

Awesome Website Alert

April 21st, 2007

Adobe Videos

April 18th, 2007

Videos showcasing the new stuff in CS3: click it


April 17th, 2007

From a New York Times article
"It was the worst shooting ever, but it was also yet another tragedy in which television turned first to amateur reporters on the scene. 'Stay out of harm’s way,' the CNN anchor Don Lemon said, addressing students at Virginia Tech. 'But send us your pictures and video.'"

Last Words

April 14th, 2007

Back in November of last year I had pneumonia but didn't see the doctor for a few days during which I had these bizarre fever dreams and fits where I'd basically lie in bed convinced that I was dying. At the absolute lowest point I decided I should write something to anyone who found me dead. Here it is!

If I die and you've found this know the following things: I loved my family and my friends. Please look through my journals, but ignore the bad things, they were said irrationally. Find my crude movie ideas and if possible make them happen. I love you. Don't be lazy, always be creative and imaginative. I died happy, alone, and shaking. Haha. I was ready. I think ill be missed, but don't think about it too much, we'll all be together in the end. Live life. Don't listen to anyone but yourself. Except dead people, listen to them, because they know what they're talking about.

Kinda bizarre, yet truthful.


April 4th, 2007

Finally got around to trying out mtasc, an Actionscript compiler. It was very easy to set up and get a "hello world" type swf compiled, which rocks. I'm pumped about it. More soon?

Spreadin The Word

April 1st, 2007